Potions, Potions, and Potions (2D Action Game)

Platform: PC

Build: Unity/C#

Role: Game Designer & Animator


  • Mechanic Design: Designed and implemented new gameplay mechanics such as Dash Potions for quick movement, Stun Potions to immobilize enemies, and other unique potion-based abilities.
  • Environmental Effects: Developed dynamic environments, including a Poison Gas Zone where players take continuous damage unless they stand near an altar for protection.
  • Animation Implementation: Imported and managed 2D pixel art animations for attacks, movement, and death sequences, ensuring smooth transitions and proper execution in-game.

Skill Demonstration


  • Game Mechanics Design
  • Level & Environmental Design
  • 2D Anmiation Import & Control
  • Pixel Art Animation Handling
  • Gameplay Balancing & Player Experience